Weave with Lizzie – come and join Lizzie Hill in the Gallery to look, learn and contribute to a large woven artwork incorporating unusual materials!

Print with Sarah – drop in for a family workshop to print Christmas cards with help and support from Sarah Cliff. Dress for Mess!

Textures with Sheila – a workshop for 6 people aged 12+ to create ‘exciting textures when creating art’ with Sheila Nash. Dress for mess. Numbers limited, book a place by email to  sevenoakskaleidoscope@gmail.com

Chalk and charcoal with Sarah – drop in for a family workshop to draw with chalk and charcoal with help and support from Sarah Cliff. Dress for Mess!

Paint with Rowena Family drop in.

Snowflake Embroidery with Susanne Beard

Artist led Activities artists in the Gallery 


PRIVATE VIEW Wednesday 11 December 6 – 8 

Join us for festive refreshments and fun interactive art

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