Sevenoaks Art Club 10 – 20 November
Private View Thursday 11 November 6 – 7 30
Brushworks Sevenoaks Art Cub Annual Exhibition and Sale
SAC artists have also contributed their skills in small paintings for sale at £10 each all proceeds to Mencap.
There is a club member in the Gallery through out the exhibition drop in for a chat.
ABOUT OUR CLUB: We are a friendly and welcoming group of local artists who meet regularly for sketching and painting a variety of subjects, indoors in winter and outdoors in summer. We also have workshops, demonstrations and critiques led by professional tutors; attend and organize exhibitions and sales of our own work.
Abilities of members range from beginners to semi-professionals – the only requirements for joining are enthusiasm for and interest in art. Our meetings are normally fortnightly on Saturday mornings with a pre-arranged programme for content of the sessions.