Come in and PLAY! Or join in one of the free SVAF events in the Gallery space.
December 12th – January 13th 2018
PLAY! Features work by SVAF artists. Ann Bridges, Margaret Barrett, Melissa Hill, Sonia Griffin, Juliet Simpson, Andrea Coltman, Elisa Hudson, Rosalind Barker and guests Hugh Ribbans, Adam Green and Jack Gould
Thank you to the SVAF selectors, Marilyn Kyle, Elisa Hudson, Ann Bridges, Bill Hall, Rosalind Barker and Sue Evans.
Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states
‘That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.’
SVAF artists have responded to the theme ‘PLAY’ in engaging, extraordinary and challenging ways. Much of this exhibition, in the Kaleidoscope Gallery, Sevenoaks, is interactive. Children and adults will find objects and images to react to, to enjoy and to wonder at.
Paintings, prints, montages, sculptures and models await your presence: only then will they spring into life!
Play is the highest form of research. – Albert Einstein
Story time and PLAY!
Was 11am on Wednesday 20th December
With Museum curator Sue Gosling and artist Juliet Simpson.
Stories in this Story time were based on the Noah’s Ark by Sevenoaks artist Juliet Simpson and the magical carved wooden cars and engines of the late artist Jack Gould.
Museum curator Sue Gosling told stories, Juliet Simpson opened up her beautiful Noah’s Ark and SVAF artists supervised a play session with these and toys from the Museum collection.
A joint Kaleidoscope Museum and Gallery event using both spaces.
The Ark was so successful it was opened again at the drop in on the 28th
PLAY! Thursday 21st December
Drop in 9 30 – 12 30am or 1 30 – 3 30 pm.
With artist and designer Ann Bridges and the ‘Morphun’ educational brick construction system.
Ann Bridges is a painter/printmaker who also ‘plays’ with plastic bricks for an international toy construction system company. ‘MORPHUN Makes Learning More Fun’
Discover the amazing shapes that can be made using just Squares and Triangles.
Your designs will be displayed on the wall of the Gallery giving children the opportunity to win an awesome tub of ‘Morphun’ bricks.
Suitable for children over 3.
Parents must accompany children to this workshop.
Many families joined Ann in a design session.
PLAY! 28th December 10 – 12
All ages are welcome to join in and PLAY! with artists Melissa Hill, Elisa Hudson and Amanda Hopkins for ten minutes or two hours. Experience the energy and fun of playing with artists to create three different works of art.

Hang your art on the Gallery wall as part of the exhibition.
The workshop is part of PLAY! An SVAF community exhibition
Ink, glue and paint will be used in this workshop so wear messy clothing!
Suitable for children 3+
Parents must accompany children to the workshop
Kim’s game in the Gallery using the beautiful watercolour drawing of Ann Bridges.