Sevenoaks Camera Club

Sevenoaks Camera Club 7 – 17 July 2021

“Sevenoaks Camera Club’s Annual Exhibition returns to Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope Gallery this year after only being possible online last year. Prints will be on show from Wednesday 7 July to Saturday 17 July 2021

“After our successful online show in 2020, this year our website will host the digital section of the exhibition and also digital versions of the majority of the prints on display in the Gallery. These will go online at the same time as the Gallery show opens.

“The site’s home page will have a link to pages showing the entries, including the Premier and Imagination Awards and Highly Commended pictures. Our judge this year, faced with selecting from a total of over 150 photos, was Cherry Larcombe EFIAP, ARPS, DPAGB and BPE*5.”


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